12 Lessons I’ve Learned in 21 Years

Hey guys! Sorry, I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted but with this being the first semester of my senior year of college I have been swamped. Anyways, I’m coming with a new post for you guys because my birthday recently passed. (It was on September 10th, where my virgos at?), and I wanted to share some things that I have learned in my 21 years of living. So without further ado, here are a list of 12 things that I have learned about life in 21 years.




1. Set Goals for Yourself and Work Towards Them

One thing that I have learned throughout my life is that setting goals can really help get you where you want to be. But the key to goals is not only setting them, you also have to do anything in your power to make them happen. So far I have accomplished everything that I have wanted to do while in college. I think the reason for this is because when I set a goal for myself I worked nonstop to make sure that it happened.

2. Do Things That Keep You Creatively Inspired

If you know me, you would know that sometimes I am not the most creative person in the world. However, I feel that everyone does have somewhat of a creative side to them. With this being said do things that help keep your brain going and that help keep your creative juices flowing. Write a blog, paint a picture, or even make a song. These types of things can not only help you express yourself, but they also can help you find new things that you didn’t know you were good at.

3. Listen to Your Parents, They Know More Than You Think

I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out on this one. Your parents have been around longer than you (obviously) and although it may be hard to listen to them at times, they probably have experienced a lot of the same things that you are going through. Depending on the type of relationship you have with your parents, don’t be afraid to ask them some of those tough life questions that your friends can’t answer. Some of the best advice that I have gotten has came from my mom.

4. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask for Help

Life can be tough. Everyone goes through difficult times in their life at one point or another. One thing I’ve learned when going through a tough time is to ask for help when you need it. You’d be surprised at how much actually asking for help can do. Don’t be so quick to brush something off. Remember, closed mouths don’t get fed.

5. Everyone You Meet is Not Meant to Be Your Friend

This is probably one of the most important things that I have learned while becoming a young adult. Just because you meet someone new (and although you guys may click) that doesn’t mean that person is meant to be your friend. God puts different people in your life for different reasons. Some people are blessings, and some people are lessons. So don’t be discouraged if a particular friendship doesn’t work out. This advice can go for relationships too. If that person is meant to be in your life, then they will be there.

6. There’s Nothing Wrong With Expressing Your Emotions

In today’s day and age it seems like millennials think there is something wrong with expressing any type of emotion. Life is too short to worry about what this person will think if you feel a certain way about something. Not to mention, it’s not healthy to hold your emotions in. Don’t be afraid to tell someone how you feel about something. If you don’t like the way someone is treating you, tell them. If you think someone is cute, let them know. Scared to send someone a text? Don’t be! You never know what will happen if you let someone know how you really feel.

7. Surround Yourself With Like-Minded Individuals

It’s true that the people you surround yourself with can either have a negative or positive impact on you. If you want to be successful at something in life, you have to be around people who are going to inspire you and motivate you to accomplish your goals. Being around people who don’t really care about what you believe in doesn’t do anything for you but let you down. Don’t be afraid to branch outside of your friend group if you are interested in something that they’re not. Networking is a major key to success.

8. Make Connections, Wherever You Go

Just like I said in lesson #7, networking is a major key to success. Simply having a conversation with someone can create a gateway to several opportunities. Don’t be afraid to ask people questions. Try taking someone in your profession, or someone you look up to, out for a cup of coffee. The better your network is, the better opportunities you will receive to get the things you want out of life.

9. Don’t Procrastinate

The queen of procrastination, is advising you guys to never procrastinate. Well, I shouldn’t say never but at least try not to if you can. Try to plan things ahead of time and get them done before they’re due it will cause you less stress in the end. Deadlines are an extremely important part of life, and missing them is never good for anyone.

10. Don’t Be Afraid to Put Yourself First

It’s okay to be a little selfish sometimes. There are some things that you need to do, that may not necessarily benefit other people. Sometimes, telling someone else no can be the best thing for you and them. Give yourself some me time. Go out and get your nails done, take yourself to the movies, buy that expensive pair of shoes that everyone told you not to get. Making yourself a priority can be really important.

11. Take a Break From Social Media

Living in a world that is so consumed with technology can get a little overwhelming at times. That’s why I think it’s really important to take a step back from social media and the internet, and consume yourself with other hobbies. Allow yourself to get out of the house and experience something new that you’ve always wanted to try. Read a book that you might have had your eyes on for a while, go hiking, or go grab a drink with some of your friends. Be social in person, not just through technology. Social media plays a major part in our lives today, but don’t let it take control of you.

12. Take Risks!

Finally to rap up my life lessons, this one has got to be my favorite one. Do not be afraid to take risks! Don’t let other people talk you out of doing something that YOU are interested in. Taking risk, and experiencing new things are an amazing part of life. You only get one life, so you should live it to the fullest while you have the chance.


Those are my top 12 life lessons that I’ve learned within 21 years. If you are still here thank you for reading this post. I hope that these lessons are something that will help you live the life that you want to live. Let me know in the comments what some of your life lessons are! 

Thanks for reading,








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